Stop Overpouring: Increase Liquor Sales and Revenue

Recent industry research reveals that less than 15% of bar & restaurant  patrons see their drinks being made. This small percentage, often those seated at the bar, may inadvertently pressure bartenders into over pouring, resulting in inconsistent servings that impact your bottom line. Meanwhile, the remaining 85% of customers, served by waitstaff, often receive smaller pours as bartenders attempt to compensate for earlier overpours.

This inconsistency doesn’t just hurt your profits—it also damages customer trust and loyalty. Pour Controls’ liquor dispensing systems are designed to eliminate these issues. By automating and standardizing the pouring process, our systems ensure that every drink is poured precisely to specification. This consistency not only safeguards your inventory but also enhances customer satisfaction.

In addition, our systems increase the speed of service by allowing bartenders to use one hand to pour and the other to prepare garnishes or mixers. This efficient workflow enables more drinks to be served in less time, boosting sales and tipping opportunities for your staff. Investing in Pour Controls is a win-win for both your business and your customers. Discover how we can help you maximize your revenue today!

Contact us today for more information!
